Page 147 - A4_Adelphi_bed_extras_brochure_20182
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             ‘Quality’ has become one of most overused and misused terms today in an effort to sell products. Few companies, however,
             are able to tangibly define their products quality in terms of end-user benefits and value. At HEINE we clearly define the benefits
             of HEINE Quality in terms of Performance, Function and Durability:

             PERFORMANCE                                              FUNCTION

             Precision HEINE Optics. High quality, achromatic         Toggle between polarised and non-polarised
             optical system provides unmatched sharpness and          illumination modes. Conveniently alternate between
             resolution. Focusing system provides for 10 x to 16 x    polarised and non-polarised views with the press of a
             magnification for recognition of even the smallest       button – no exchange of contact plates necessary.
             details and structures.                                  Allows recognition of the “Blink Sign” when observing
                                                                      crystalline structures and presence of milia cysts,
             LED in HQ. The new standard in LED illumination          increasing diagnostic function.
             defining optimal light intensity, homogeneity and colour
             rendering for the most accurate diagnosis. Red is red,   Optional small contact plate available. Special small
             blue is blue. Colour temperature: 5,000 K, Colour        contact plate for difficult to access lesions.
             Rendering Index (CRI) > 80 on a maximum scale of 100.
                                                                        Digital documentation capabilities. Connect to major
                                                                      brand SLR digital cameras with HEINE digital camera
                                                                      lens system. Specially designed lenses integrate the
                                                                      camera and DELTA 20 T optics together to provide the
                                                                      highest quality imaging possible.


                   “Blink Sign” observable in a basal cell carcinoma  5 Year Guarantee. HEINE makes no compromises in
                                                                      manufacturing high quality medical instruments. Our
                                                                      commitment to vertical integration in manufacturing
                                                                      means we control all aspects of our instrument quality.

                                                                      LED Thermal Management. LED illumination systems
                                                                      require thermal management to ensure long-term
                                                                      performance and product stability. Carefully selected
                                                                      and applied heat-diffusing materials in the DELTA 20 T
                  Basal cell carcinoma  Basal cell carcinoma          guarantee consistent quality and performance throughout
                 non-polarised illumination  polarised illumination
                                                                      the LED’s lifetime rating of up to 50.000 hours.
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