Page 212 - A4_Adelphi_bed_extras_brochure_20182
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New opportunities
                                                                                            for patients.
                                                                                        Better conditions

                                                                                            for carers.




                                                                            The StandTall Walker has had a
                                                                            central function in healthcare even
                                                                            though it has lived life out of the
                                                                            limelight. But now GATE has thrown
                                                                            out all its old solutions and started
                                                                            again from scratch. The result is
                                                                            the Bure StandTall Walker with its
                                                                            unique ergonomics.

            Improved general condition        Improved work ergonomics          Enhanced stability
            Apart from being an excellent aid for   The Bure StandTall Walker creates   Bure has anatomically designed
            getting patients up and about, the Stand-  opportunities for much better work   cushions at a slight incline that help
            Tall Walker is also a valuable rehabilitation   ergonomics for carers, trainers and   shoulders and arms to relax. The Stand-
            tool. Rehabilitation using the StandTall   anyone working with patients. For   Tall Walker’s design helps to shift the
            Walker keeps the patient’s muscles and   example, the open design provides   focus from muscles in the hands, arms
            alimentary canal active and contributes   increased manoeuvring space and    and shoulders to larger muscle groups
            to improving the general condition of the   makes access easier when getting up    such as leg and chest muscles. Stability
            otherwise bedridden.              or dressing. The Bure StandTall Walker   is improved and the walker is easier to
            Proper support makes it easier for infirm   contributes to reduced workloads and is   steer at the same time as trunk bending
            patients or those with weak legs to walk,   an investment in personnel health.   is cushioned and posture improved.
            and some can even manage without the
            support of healthcare personnel.

                                                                                      Healthcare Consumables & Equipment
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