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Bure Rise & Go                                                   ™

         New unique                                    StandTall walker with power rise


                                                       The Bure Rise & Go is a cost-effective walker enhanced with a
                                                       patented power rise function. Thanks to the electric power rise
                                                           function, Bure Rise & Go becomes a combined stand-up,
                                                                    mobility and walking aid all in one single product.

          Step 1                          Step 2                                   Step 3

         The harness is fitted over the patient’s   The patient holds on to the handles and the electrically   On completion of the power rise, the leg supports are
         lower back and bottom, the straps   driven power rise function begins. The patient follows a   swung away and the patient is free to walk using the
         adjusted and the leg supports placed   natural pattern of movement with the aid of the unique   StandTall walker. Alternatively, patients place their feet
         in the correct position.       harness and the vertical lift action.     on footplate and are ready to be moved once power
                                                                                  rise is complete.

         Unique power rise assistance
         Bure Rise & Go saves time, space and money. It acts as   The product consists of a walker and its associated harness
         a stand-up, mobility and walking aid in one and the same   and straps. Harnesses are available in different sizes (S, M, and
         product, which makes the concept extremely cost effective.   L) and they are split at the rear to make e.g. WC visits easier.
         The Bure Rise & Go enables better work ergonomics for   When the patient stands up the electric power rise function
         carers, trainers and anyone else working with patients. Thanks   is employed and the attachment reduces the distance
         to the smart power rise assistance, standing up becomes a   between the patient and the walker until the walker is in the
         safe, confident and natural action that does not wear out the   standing position. The Bure Rise & Go contributes to reduced
         backs of health care personnel.                       workloads and is an investment in personnel health and the
                                                               patient’s rehabilitation.
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