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Oraclean Soft Seasonal Coloured Toothbrush - Orange, Rose, Green or Blue

Better Oral Health Education and Training Program for use in Residential Care suggests that

•A brightly coloured toothbrush is used so it can be seen easily by the resident.
•Use a soft toothbrush suitable for bending; this can be bent to give better access to the mouth. A forward bent toothbrush can be used to brush the inner upper and lower teeth, and a backward bent toothbrush can be used to retract the cheek.
•Use mouth props (but only if trained in their use).
•Brushing before bed is important as bacteria can grow in number by as much as 30 times overnight.
•Use a soft toothbrush to brush the gums morning and night. This will remove dental plaque, any food particles and stimulate the gums.

Most dentists agree you should change your toothbrush every three months. Studies show that after three months of normal wear and tear, toothbrushes are much less effective at removing plaque from teeth and gums compared to new ones. The bristles break down and loose their effectiveness in getting to all those tricky corners around your teeth. It is also important to change toothbrushes after you've had a cold, the flu, a mouth infection or a sore throat. That's because germs can hide in toothbrush bristles and lead to reinfection. Even if you haven't been sick, fungus and bacteria can develop in the bristles of your toothbrush - another reason to change your toothbrush regularly

Source: Colgate - Oral & Dental Health Resouce Centre

  • Orange - Autumn
  • Rose - Summer
  • Green - Sprint
  • Blue - Winter

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